Why do we consider that space exploration is waste?

You must have heard all these comments on the news media and also on the magazine articles. That space exploration is waste, justifying that it does not help the man on the ground.
      This kind of debate is especially true in the developing countries, but it is surprising that such debates are not given much importance in the developed and the powerful nations. Why? Is it because it is a good electorial weapon or to discredit the efforts of the scientists and the scientific fraternity?

Arguments"Lots of investments on a rocket,insted can be used on humanity"

These arguments are in the mind of the brain dead activists who do not study the space mission program very properly. The investments are not directly going to impact the lives of the people or the poor citizens on the ground. But the indirect and the most significant effect will be felt.
      Let us take for an example as a rocket launch to put a weather monitoring satellite in orbit in a geo stationary orbit. The cost and the man hours will be enormous but if the direct effect of the investments will be no where to be found. But at the time of a very rain storm or a wind cyclone or a tsunami the people can be evacuated in time and the civilian loss can be reduced. If the satellite was not there then the priceless human life would have been lost.
       Why is it necessary for the developing country to be a part of this, The majour reason is when the report from a foreign satellite comes to the concerned govenment through all the beauracracy and the red tape, the damage has been done. and by this time most of the citizens would have been killed.
So to say that the cost is not worth it is meaning less.

Argument"Reaching Mars is waste, finding water on mars is no use"

Apart from the curiosity to reach mars and see what it there in the red planet. The mission is more of a technology demonstrator and not a mission in desperation to study it. The people who argue do not no that the technology required to reach the place is more advanced than the F1 Car. So by reaching the place the scientists and the space agency proves that it has the technology and the capacity to reach it.
      What people don't understand is the technology that is invented is intern used in the daily application in the most subtle way. Many of the modern technology in the medical field and cancer treatment have come from these useless space missions.

To give an example this space water treatment system has cost millions of dollars to produce it and install it in space.
But this same technology and advanced methods are used here on earth to help the man on the ground.

What people and all these brain dead people is the amount of study that is put in it.
These systems do not materialize form thin air but are built by people who have done a lot of work on them.
All the pictures used in this blog do not belong to me. And I do not claim on its ownership

Why so much of investments, why not use it for the poor

This is the most favourite comment by all the people who think that space exploration is useless. Well it you see closly the annual budget of the country this is a very small amount. The portion of money used on the millitary is too much but no one seems to care. The money that is stached in the foreign banks as black money is incompareble. The anount of money spent in wars is well no need to explain. SO TO SAY THAT USING MONEY ON SPACE EXPLORATON IS USELESS IS ACTUALLY USELESS.

tell me what you think on this and comment follow and like:)

How to reduce acidity? Why realy happens?

Acidity or acid reflux is the sensation of burning food pipe which leads to a lot of other problems in the adults. Acidity also leads to headache and even vomiting in certain people. There is a very simple solution and a very simple explanation to the following problem. The reason if explained by any doctor will make you more and more confused, and in the end you will not understand any thing. So I am here to help you understand the complex medical language in a very simple words.
          The cure and the problem lies in the way our stomach has been designed. The things that we do wrong in our eating habit triggers the acidity. So let us look at the cause and the solution in the points.

Why this happens? What is acidity basically?

The stomach is the first place the food comes in contact and is processed for any unwanted material that the body does not want. That's why the stomach produces the concentraded HCl, to basically kill all the bacterial and the fungus that might have come throught the food. 
This is the chemical that causes the acidity.

The stomach is smart it has a lining of mucus all over the inner surface to protect it self form burning up. BUT HERE IS A GLICH. The lining is only up to the cardial notch not at the esophagus.

SO when the acid reaches the yellow portion of the diagram the acid burns. and we get a sensation of acidity.
All the pictures used in this blog do not belong to me. And I do not claim on its ownership

What might be the cause that the acid reaches the yellow protion of stomach

 There are certain things that we do afte a dinner late at night like eating a chocolate after the dinner. This is 
one of the habits that causes the acidic sensation.HOW?

The food is already there in the stomach and the entire place is filled with food. But when the chocolate is consumed with the full stomach then it accumulates just at the boundry of the stomach. Due to which the acid also reaches the food pipe which causes the acidity.

Also wine and other stuff that is eaten after a good meal is the cause of acidity.

One of the best example of inflicted acidity is coke. this is an acid in itself, and people tend to consume this without hesitation after a pizza of a ham burger. I don't know why. The ham is a meat and it take a long time to pass through the gut and the coke is following it in the gut guess what will happen to the gut in the behind. 

Consume food for the sake of it and not as a taste and pleasure

The reason why the ancients were smarter than us is due to their ability to convert these scientific principles All the pictures used in this blog do not belong to me. And I do not claim on its ownership
as a matter of fear.
In the Christianity there is something known a the seven deadly sins. In the second number is the gluttony. 
The scientific reason why it has made to this list is simple. If we eat any thing as plesure then we override the natural processes and make our body go through unwanted situations.
When people consume the food when they are not hungry the stomach has not lined itself with the mucus layer and make the stomach vulnerable to the acid that it produces.

IF you liked the blog like and leave a comment . Encourage and live life with science .

How to select a martial arts school or a Dojo?

Well, If you are starting to learn a combat style and want to practice the martial arts you surely need a dojo or a martial arts school. So here I am to help you get in to a martial arts school and what to look out for when you do so.

You need a trainer, practicing alone is not possible! Believe me!!!

You may be in the notion that I can learn martial arts alone infront of a mirror, and you may have already downloaded the marter wong wing chun dvd online. Believe me I have tried it is futile and you will not get very far doing that. You need a professional combat instructor to realy get the feel of the real combat. The real reason is that you will get demoralized very easily and you will give up. So better find a trainer it will help you and it will be easy to ask doubts if you have them and the correct method will be understood quickly.

Many Dojo, but which you want depends on your requirements

The kind of dojo or the martial arts school clearly depends on your requirements, if you want to learn to defened yourself then there are different kinds of school. There are schools which just incorporate the martial arts school regime and make you loose weight and call them selves martial arts schools.

If your are a parent and want to teach your child respect and honour and dedication and determination then there are treditional martial arts schools which focus on these aspects.


Cleanliness and the work atmosphere

You surely need to be aware of the teaching and the kind of people attending the place and you surely need to see whether the teaching style is suiting or not. There are some schools, in which the bad elements of the society attend, in some cases the teacher is one of them. so Beware.

The cleanliness of the place is important. you will feel to learn in a clean environment. There is less chance of you contracting a skin infection in a clean environment. if the place is not clean then there is a good chance of you contracting a good skin and eye infection. The school is a place of physical exercise so there will be a lot of swet so take this point under consideration.


The place should be near your home and the time to trave should not be more than 15 minutes more that then it is not worth going. Because in the initial stages of the training, it will be a challenge to just reach home let alone doing training. 

Happy training.

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