Top 3 Best Apps for Nokia Lumia N 625. Must have apps

If you want to survive in this Android world you need to have these apps. The apps for windows are not easy to find at the Windows store. And anyone who has been on the store knows that it is not as good as the Android store, the Play store.

If you are tired of people showing looks of sympathy towards you like a homeless person,

I am here with the best apps that are good enough for you to survive. And these are the free ones that you can find on the store. The paid ones are not as good as the free ones. There is a reverse logic on the Windows store. If you have ever bought any apps online.
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#1 CamScanner

This is the go to app is you want to take pictures of documents in your office, college or any place where you want to take a picture. This app is so good that even if you take the picture in an angle it will correct that and present it as though the picture was taken normal to the poster.

This app is best if you want to carry a part of the book in a pdf format. You can convert the pictures in a pdf format that you can send on Whatsapp or attach to the Gmail email.
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The best app so far student use. The students use it a lot. And the reviews it got is really good.

#2 Duolingo

This app is the best app compared to the other apps that are there in the Windows store and also in Play store. This is a game basically but the best part is that you learn a new language along with it. The app is also reviewed by Barrak Obama himself. The app will enable you to speak the language with confidence.
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This app is atleast good to carry around even if you are not interested to learn a new language. This app will give you the bragging rights.

#3 Files

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This is a must have app before you try to use the phone. If you have used the phone you will have noticed that there is no way you can manage the files in the phone. If someone sends you a file via Bluetooth then there is no way to locate the file in the phone and cannot move the file here or there. 
And it is always odd to ask them to send the file again. 
The Windows phone always changes the file name to its computer generated name and you will loose the file if you did not save it again with another name. Which will soon fill you entire memory space with copy documents.
The people at Microsoft at are a dummy. They do not install this app on their phone in the factory. Why I don't know.

Top 3 Best Ways to learn a New Language

So you want to learn a new language, and struggling to learn it using books, and courses that don't make any sense to you. You have paid several dollars in cash and still you are struggling to learn and speak.
These methods are here for you rescue. These methods I have tried myself and the best way to get the language and speak with confidence.
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#3 Duolingo 

This is a site and also a mobile app that helps you learn the language faster using the game method.
This method is designed like the levels in a game and tells you at what level you are right now and what you need to do in order to get to the next level

The great thing about this site and this app is that anyone who has no experience with the foreign language can learn it.

The app is available in the Windows and Apple store. The android version is the best. The people who are currently using it is huge because it is FREE FOR USE. No premium membership is required. Which make this the best FREE language learning software.

The interface is very modern and does not look uninviting and a burden. The language learning is made fun.
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#2 Guidance From Youtube

There are many places in Youtube where there is guidance from people who have learned languages and can speak them as well. One of the channels is the LanguageTsar. He is a polygot who shows how it is done. These channels do not offer any material for learning a new language but acts as an inspiration to learn it. 

It is not the place you learning the language but the people can give the best ways by which you can speed up your leaning process
And most importantly you will be getting the reviews of different learning methods.

#1 Michel Thomas Method

The Michel Thomas method is the tried and tested method of learning a new language. It is promised that if you follow this method you will be speaking the language in a matter of days. This method is invented by Michel Thomas, In this it is just pure listening to the audio and not much preparation on your part. The teacher will be asking you how do you say? XYZ and you say it by pausing the audio. The teacher says the answer. You become the third person in the learning as there will be two other students who have not learned the language like you have.


This guy is so good that the people who have learnt the language form him are celebs and he has his institute of language learning in Beverly Hills.

You can buy the entire CD set of the language you want to learn. You can learn Arabic, German, French, Russian, Hindi, Spanish, Chinese. and many more. 
If you buy this it is not going to be a waste at all. Because I have tried it.

The reason this method is number one is that it does not make you memorize the words, phrases and sentences but rather puts the pressure of making you learn on the teacher.  So stay relaxed and learn much quicker

It is a fact that 80% of daily usage of language constitute only 20% of the language. So this method only teaches that 20% and makes you capable of daily conversation.

2 Tips to increase the life of your earphones.

Your earphones are your lifeline in the subway train and even in the exam in which you are trying to cheat. But your earphones also save you from embarrassing moments in public when you are watching let us say naughty America.

So if you have paid a good amount of money on them like a BOSE. Then these tips will save your earphone from getting destroyed.
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These are the popular mistakes to avoid.

Do not pull the earphone from the jack by the wire.

Now, I know that this is the cool way to remove the earphone from the jack. But this slowly destroys the earphone because if you wire is losing the connection from the jack. No matter how good your earphone speakers are they are going to be a waste. Even you may think that the speakers are going bad but there could be this reason also that the sound is not coming properly.

What is the remedy to this situating?

Pull the damn earphone from the base of the jack. The plastic that is sticking out of the phone. There. I have personally thrown a lot of earphone to waste due to this habit. And if you have a costly earphone then please remove this habit. You are committing a crime against these poor creatures.

Do not separate entangled wires by the earphones.

Now, if you have used an earphone you will also have the experience of this awesome inconvenience. The tendency is to hold the earphones and just give the wires a strong tug. 
You may think this is the best way and the fastest way to separate the entangle wires but this will loosen the connection to the speakers.

What is the solution for this?

Hold the jack and separate the earphones. The jack will be just one wire and separating it will be much easier than the earphones. The earphones are more delicate than the jack.

4 hacks to get high grades in University Exams....100% working

You want to make an impression amongst your friends, family, and professors. Now these tricks works will work only if you have 3 weeks leading to the exams. Now these are the best options and the tips that are given here if followed your performance will surely be maximized.

Firstly, clear your mind of all the chatter that you might have heard from you professors, friends, and especially family

Misconception #1: I am not smart, I don't have the ability to do it. Forget it.

Fact: You are as smart as the smartest guy in the class, and the best thing is if you have never done a top score in exams before you don't know your potential as of now. And I was one of you so I know it.

Misconception #2: I have less time and I am a slow learner.

Fact: You think you are a slow learner because you have not known the best and the efficient methods to learn and memorize the study material. I will tell you in the content below these methods so that you can learn it better and memorize it quickly with long lasting memory.

Misconception #3:I have not studied the entire semester so it is too late for me 

Fact: You still have a month or so for the start of the examination so the study strategies that I am going to give you will make it easy to learn in less time.

#1 The question paper is the best source for the questions and the important question.

If you have ever seen a previous years question paper in the university then you will know that the questions repeat in the same place. These questions become you prime targets to prepare and score in the exams.
You will have to make a kind of a question frequency distribution in your rough book and see which question is being asked for what amount of points.
Now once you have done this homework you know what are the target areas in the syllabus which are a favorite with the examiner. Now you are prepared to study the syllabus.

#2 Isolate the questions and the portions in the book.

When you mark these portions in the book it becomes a compact study guide  instead of a big fat book that looks scary for the untrained eye. Now studying these avoids the unnecessary portions that are there in the books that are seldom asked in the exams. So you essentially avoid the unnecessary portions and save time for other subjects.

#3 While you are practicing make a running formula notes.

Find a bunch of loose papers, staple them together and start making the running formula notes. I am sure that if you are reading this post you surely don't have a hand written notes so start making one. This notes that you made while studying will help you to revise the subject during the study gap between the exams. This the compact strategy to study the portion on the night before.

If you have the habit of cramming the night before you will find the notes that you prepared helpful and calm your nerves down.

#4 Memory technique guaranteed to work. 

This method is simple as anything. But might have never tried to do it.
Write whatever you want to remember. 
Then cover what you just wrote and write it again.
What this method does is that it forces the brain to recall, in the process makes the nerve connections faster.

I learned this process from one the Professor who was from the most reputed institute in the country.

Happy learning.  
I am sure these techniques will work for sure and you will perform better that what you previously used to perform.

Why do we consider that space exploration is waste?

You must have heard all these comments on the news media and also on the magazine articles. That space exploration is waste, justifying that it does not help the man on the ground.
      This kind of debate is especially true in the developing countries, but it is surprising that such debates are not given much importance in the developed and the powerful nations. Why? Is it because it is a good electorial weapon or to discredit the efforts of the scientists and the scientific fraternity?

Arguments"Lots of investments on a rocket,insted can be used on humanity"

These arguments are in the mind of the brain dead activists who do not study the space mission program very properly. The investments are not directly going to impact the lives of the people or the poor citizens on the ground. But the indirect and the most significant effect will be felt.
      Let us take for an example as a rocket launch to put a weather monitoring satellite in orbit in a geo stationary orbit. The cost and the man hours will be enormous but if the direct effect of the investments will be no where to be found. But at the time of a very rain storm or a wind cyclone or a tsunami the people can be evacuated in time and the civilian loss can be reduced. If the satellite was not there then the priceless human life would have been lost.
       Why is it necessary for the developing country to be a part of this, The majour reason is when the report from a foreign satellite comes to the concerned govenment through all the beauracracy and the red tape, the damage has been done. and by this time most of the citizens would have been killed.
So to say that the cost is not worth it is meaning less.

Argument"Reaching Mars is waste, finding water on mars is no use"

Apart from the curiosity to reach mars and see what it there in the red planet. The mission is more of a technology demonstrator and not a mission in desperation to study it. The people who argue do not no that the technology required to reach the place is more advanced than the F1 Car. So by reaching the place the scientists and the space agency proves that it has the technology and the capacity to reach it.
      What people don't understand is the technology that is invented is intern used in the daily application in the most subtle way. Many of the modern technology in the medical field and cancer treatment have come from these useless space missions.

To give an example this space water treatment system has cost millions of dollars to produce it and install it in space.
But this same technology and advanced methods are used here on earth to help the man on the ground.

What people and all these brain dead people is the amount of study that is put in it.
These systems do not materialize form thin air but are built by people who have done a lot of work on them.
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Why so much of investments, why not use it for the poor

This is the most favourite comment by all the people who think that space exploration is useless. Well it you see closly the annual budget of the country this is a very small amount. The portion of money used on the millitary is too much but no one seems to care. The money that is stached in the foreign banks as black money is incompareble. The anount of money spent in wars is well no need to explain. SO TO SAY THAT USING MONEY ON SPACE EXPLORATON IS USELESS IS ACTUALLY USELESS.

tell me what you think on this and comment follow and like:)

How to reduce acidity? Why realy happens?

Acidity or acid reflux is the sensation of burning food pipe which leads to a lot of other problems in the adults. Acidity also leads to headache and even vomiting in certain people. There is a very simple solution and a very simple explanation to the following problem. The reason if explained by any doctor will make you more and more confused, and in the end you will not understand any thing. So I am here to help you understand the complex medical language in a very simple words.
          The cure and the problem lies in the way our stomach has been designed. The things that we do wrong in our eating habit triggers the acidity. So let us look at the cause and the solution in the points.

Why this happens? What is acidity basically?

The stomach is the first place the food comes in contact and is processed for any unwanted material that the body does not want. That's why the stomach produces the concentraded HCl, to basically kill all the bacterial and the fungus that might have come throught the food. 
This is the chemical that causes the acidity.

The stomach is smart it has a lining of mucus all over the inner surface to protect it self form burning up. BUT HERE IS A GLICH. The lining is only up to the cardial notch not at the esophagus.

SO when the acid reaches the yellow portion of the diagram the acid burns. and we get a sensation of acidity.
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What might be the cause that the acid reaches the yellow protion of stomach

 There are certain things that we do afte a dinner late at night like eating a chocolate after the dinner. This is 
one of the habits that causes the acidic sensation.HOW?

The food is already there in the stomach and the entire place is filled with food. But when the chocolate is consumed with the full stomach then it accumulates just at the boundry of the stomach. Due to which the acid also reaches the food pipe which causes the acidity.

Also wine and other stuff that is eaten after a good meal is the cause of acidity.

One of the best example of inflicted acidity is coke. this is an acid in itself, and people tend to consume this without hesitation after a pizza of a ham burger. I don't know why. The ham is a meat and it take a long time to pass through the gut and the coke is following it in the gut guess what will happen to the gut in the behind. 

Consume food for the sake of it and not as a taste and pleasure

The reason why the ancients were smarter than us is due to their ability to convert these scientific principles All the pictures used in this blog do not belong to me. And I do not claim on its ownership
as a matter of fear.
In the Christianity there is something known a the seven deadly sins. In the second number is the gluttony. 
The scientific reason why it has made to this list is simple. If we eat any thing as plesure then we override the natural processes and make our body go through unwanted situations.
When people consume the food when they are not hungry the stomach has not lined itself with the mucus layer and make the stomach vulnerable to the acid that it produces.

IF you liked the blog like and leave a comment . Encourage and live life with science .

How to select a martial arts school or a Dojo?

Well, If you are starting to learn a combat style and want to practice the martial arts you surely need a dojo or a martial arts school. So here I am to help you get in to a martial arts school and what to look out for when you do so.

You need a trainer, practicing alone is not possible! Believe me!!!

You may be in the notion that I can learn martial arts alone infront of a mirror, and you may have already downloaded the marter wong wing chun dvd online. Believe me I have tried it is futile and you will not get very far doing that. You need a professional combat instructor to realy get the feel of the real combat. The real reason is that you will get demoralized very easily and you will give up. So better find a trainer it will help you and it will be easy to ask doubts if you have them and the correct method will be understood quickly.

Many Dojo, but which you want depends on your requirements

The kind of dojo or the martial arts school clearly depends on your requirements, if you want to learn to defened yourself then there are different kinds of school. There are schools which just incorporate the martial arts school regime and make you loose weight and call them selves martial arts schools.

If your are a parent and want to teach your child respect and honour and dedication and determination then there are treditional martial arts schools which focus on these aspects.


Cleanliness and the work atmosphere

You surely need to be aware of the teaching and the kind of people attending the place and you surely need to see whether the teaching style is suiting or not. There are some schools, in which the bad elements of the society attend, in some cases the teacher is one of them. so Beware.

The cleanliness of the place is important. you will feel to learn in a clean environment. There is less chance of you contracting a skin infection in a clean environment. if the place is not clean then there is a good chance of you contracting a good skin and eye infection. The school is a place of physical exercise so there will be a lot of swet so take this point under consideration.


The place should be near your home and the time to trave should not be more than 15 minutes more that then it is not worth going. Because in the initial stages of the training, it will be a challenge to just reach home let alone doing training. 

Happy training.

How to choose engineering stream and college?

It you are aspiring an engineering career and a course then this time or the days after the 12th exam or the 12th grade college exam should be the most stressful and the most vulnerable time in your life. I have been through the same and I would like to share my experience with all, so that the people in need can benefit.

What should be your criteria to choose the stream?

Let me tell you something there are hundreds of steam and there are hundres of colleges that offer the same course. The best criteria to choose the steam should be your choice of career. Ask your self what kind of career do you want? Do you want a table and an office job? or do you want a field job? You should not choose the steam on the steam on the basis of what your friends are opting or what your parents are telling ?

If you have chosen the career you want to perceive then choose the appropriate strem that will land you that job. And try and choose the stream that is having a large scope of application as it will make it easy to choose for a wide variety of jobs and careers. 

Try and choose the stream that is core and not specific. For example you want a job as a research engineer in a motor or an automation company then your chances of landing a job is more when you have a mechanical degree than a automobile degree.

What basis the colleges should be chosen?

Many students choose the colleges on the basis of the fame of the institution. Let me tell you in the end of the day the only thing that will matter is how wonderful you are in what you do. It is totally useless to choose the colleges on the basis of the palcements that are offered as it is a changing trend and it may be good in one year and worst in the other year.

If you choose the colleges on the basis of palcements it is totally futile as there is no gurantee that you will get placed. And the jobs that are offered are poor with poor salary so do not fall under this impression

There are some people who go to institutions which have a good name but are charging heavy fees, this is waste of money and waste of your time. They will say that inorder to go to these institutions you need to write an exam and you need to clear it. But at some time after the admission processes are completed there will still be seats that will be empty and they will call any one who is willing to pay the fees.

This website will give you a good idea of what I am talking about.

At this point in your life you may be feeling that you are worth nothing as all the people are defeating you in the admission process but believe me once you get into an engineering college you will find that all the croud is filled with dumb people the whole world has to offer.

Even if you are getting a lower end colleges, the chances and the opportunities that you will have will be amazing as you will be the only handful of smart people in the whole college.
Best of luck.

3D printing the next manufacturing technology?

The 3D printing or the 3 Dimensional way of printing. These printing is picking up like wild fire in the manufacturing industry and in small scale businesses. This type of printing is basically getting the desired product printed. In the normal paper printer or the photocopier the printed material will come out of the copy machine. In this printing the material needs to be supplied to the printer of which the article needs to be printed the printer will print the desired object and will be in the ready to use condition.
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This style of manufacturing the object is called as additive manufacturing, because we do not have the material in place before and we remove the material to make our object.

But here the material is added to the object to make the object so there is no waste of material, and some unbelieveable objects and shapes can be made without much effort

I attended one of the workshops that teach how to make our own object and make it compatebale with the printer program, and I can gurantee you it is pretty darn simple.

This is what we did in the old era of manufacturing,All the pictures used in this blog do not belong to me. And I do not claim on its ownership
we removed the metal or the material to make it look the way we want. The brilliant example is this CNC machine which is designed by the titans Eagle company.
 This not only leads to loss of good quality metal and also limits the shape capabilities of the object design
 Like the hollow cavity in the eagle is not possible but this is possible in the 3D printing method. Making it light and more eco friendly

 Look at this very intricate design in the elephant structure. this is just not possible by the molding methods that we have, because to remove metal of in this case plastic in such a details is just impossible.

With just a computer and a 3d printer hooked up you can get this stuf in your hand in basically 2hrs.

It is even less costly. it is just plastic. You see this wonderful object
To make this is just impossible . To make it out of one piece is also impossible.

With every good use there is a bad use
the people will use it for producing guns and weapons
think about the situation when the guns are in the hands of the person who should not be having one in there hands
This is 3D printed gun which should not be in the hands of people without the knowledge of the authorities

Just any one can cause the damage. So special restrictions are there in some countries over the use of the 3D printers

Have a look at this funny video of Elders react to this new technology.

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Carbon Nanotubes - The New Fad

Carbon nano tubes are considered to be the next advancement in the field of science, after the invention of computer and transister. 'Nano' in the name implies that the structure is surely in the range of 10^-9 meter.
to understand how small it is take an example.
If you consider a small marble ball is one nano meter , then the diameter of the earth would be one meter.

In 1952 L. V. Radushkevich and V. M. Lukyanovich published clear images of 50 nanometer diameter tubes made of carbon in the Soviet Journal of Physical Chemistry. This discovery was largely unnoticed, as the article was published in Russian, and Western scientists' access to Soviet press was limited during the Cold War. But officially the discovery of the carbon nanotubes is considered to be in the year 1991 by a Japanese Scientist Sumio Iijima,
Here again we see the prejudice the west had towards the non western cultures and sciences   

Carbon nanotubes are nothing but a cylinder made up of patches of hexagon shaped carbon structures
Just like shown in the picture.
Well, looking at the structure it seems so impossible to create the tube in such an orderly manner.

Don't worry if you have the right equipment and the necessary temperature you can make these structures even in your back yard or best your kitchen.All the pictures used in this blog do not belong to me. And I do not claim on its ownership

 This video show exactly how easy I mean when I say it is easy to create such nano stuff, contrary to the popular belief that nano technology is something sophisticated.


Well the answer is simple Because of its properties: This material has properties which would make even the god of metal, or for a better comparison even Thor jealous.
Carbon nanotubes have 50 times more tensile  strength than steel and 5 times the Young's modulus
The theme photo of the blog is the direct consequence of these properties. Maths shows that carbon nanotubes can be used to make space lifts that could stretch up to the altitude of the orbiting satellites.

 This image is of the steel after taking a huge load leading to a fracture, So to imagine the carbon nanotube in its place would take 5 times the load and still not fracture. It is amazing.
If you are looking for a research topic then this is the best for you as it is the booming field and its application is unimaginable.
If you like the post then subscribe and let me know in the comments below what you want to see next or how you felt about the topic.

Has Yoga lost it's true meaning? | It is not just an exercise routine?

Has Yoga lost the true meaning. Looking at the people who are doing yoga to just keep their body streatched and toned. The people are not e...